Peer Review Policy

Peer Review Policy for "Open Horizon Scientific Review"


"Open Horizon Scientific Review" (OHSR) is a peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes original research articles in all areas of science and engineering. OHSR uses a double-blind peer review process to ensure that all published articles are of the highest quality.

Peer Review Process

Once a manuscript is submitted to OHSR, it is assigned to an editor who will assess it for suitability for publication. If the manuscript is deemed to be suitable, it is then sent to two independent reviewers for peer review. The reviewers are experts in the field of the manuscript and are asked to assess the following:

  • The scientific validity of the work
  • The originality of the work
  • The clarity and completeness of the presentation
  • The significance of the work to the field

The reviewers submit their reports to the editor, who then makes a decision on the manuscript. The editor may accept the manuscript for publication, request revisions, or reject the manuscript.

Double-Blind Review

OHSR uses a double-blind peer review process, which means that the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors, and the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers. This helps to ensure that the review process is fair and unbiased.

Reviewer Confidentiality

OHSR maintains the confidentiality of reviewers. Reviewers are not identified to the authors, and their reports are not shared with the authors without the reviewers' permission.

Reviewer Expectations

OHSR reviewers are expected to:

  • Be timely in their reviews.
  • Be objective and constructive in their feedback.
  • Respect the confidentiality of the authors and the manuscripts they review.

Author Expectations

OHSR authors are expected to:

  • Submit manuscripts that are well-written and scientifically sound.
  • Respond to reviewer comments in a timely and professional manner.

Exceptions to the Peer Review Policy

OHSR may make exceptions to its peer review policy in certain cases, such as for review articles, editorials, and letters to the editor. However, all published articles must meet the same high standards of quality.


OHSR is committed to publishing high-quality research articles. The double-blind peer review process is an important part of ensuring that all published articles meet these standards. OHSR reviewers and authors play a vital role in the peer review process, and their contributions are appreciated.