Archiving Policy

Archiving Policy for "Open Horizon Scientific Review"


The purpose of this archiving policy is to ensure that all scientific publications and research data resulting from Open Horizon Scientific Review (OHSR) are preserved and made accessible to the public in a timely manner.


This policy applies to all scientific publications and research data resulting from OHSR, including:

  • Peer-reviewed journal articles
  • Conference proceedings
  • Book chapters
  • Research reports
  • Datasets
  • Software

Archiving Requirements

All authors of OHSR-funded research are required to deposit their publications and research data in a publicly accessible repository within six months of publication or data production. The repository must meet the following criteria:

  • It must be a recognized repository for scientific publications and/or research data.
  • It must be open access, meaning that anyone can access the deposited content without restrictions.
  • It must be persistent, meaning that the deposited content will be preserved and made accessible over time.

Embargo Periods

Some publishers may have embargo periods on open access to publications. Embargo periods are typically six to twelve months long. During an embargo period, the author may not deposit the published version of the article in a repository. However, the author is typically permitted to deposit the final peer-reviewed manuscript.


OHSR will monitor compliance with this archiving policy. If an author fails to deposit their publications and/or research data in a timely manner, OHSR may take disciplinary action, such as withholding future funding or requiring the author to publish their next article in an open access journal.

Additional Information

OHSR is committed to open science and the dissemination of scientific knowledge. By archiving all scientific publications and research data resulting from OHSR funding, we are ensuring that this knowledge is accessible to everyone, regardless of their income or location.